Of all the things dogs eat, Jack is almost the oddest. Here are all the things Jack likes to eat-- #1 being the weirdest:
3.Cooked Carrots
7.Gluten Free Pancakes
9.Seasoned Eggs (Garlic and onion powder)
10.Banana Bread
11.Bean soup
12.Potato chips
13. Cashews that have been in a bag of dried pineapples for awhile
14. Baby Rabbits (Sorry, but that's what he likes)
Here's another list about what Jack doesn't like to eat:
1.Raw meat
2.Olives (Pickles but not olives)
3.Tofu (Mum eats that all the time)
4.Salsa (Also, he's allergic to tomatoes...if he does get some tomato then he wakes mum up a 3am to go outside and he scratches himself alot)
Here's a picture of Jack eating the rest of my Apple:
Jack is sitting on my lap...I love my little dog-brother! :)
How the Jack Russell Terrier Came Into Being
10 years ago